Hey there!
I’m Emma Rose, and I write Christian fantasy stories that make you think.
I’m a Reformed Christian, and I believe that God holds dominion over the whole world—including the arts. While I don’t always write explicitly Christian stories, I try to discuss Biblical truth in all of them.
My heart for writing can be summed up in Micah 6:8 – “what does the Lord require of you / but to do justice, and to love kindness, / and to walk humbly with your God?”
I like tea, houseplants, poetry, and making all kinds of music. I’m a student at Covenant College and a member of the Young Writers Workshop, but the most important part of my education comes from the amazing people I have the privilege of knowing.
If you’d like to connect more, sign up for my email list to get book recommendations, updates on my writing, and occasional musings about the nature of humanity every single month!

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